
How to deal with a nosy manager? Crosspost from r/Work

*TLDR at the bottom. So let me start by saying that I have a medical condition, gastritis, that has me going to the bathroom often, and spending longer than necessary in there. I have no control over it. It just happens, and when I need to go, I need to go. I also take an antidepressant that causes dry mouth, so I drink more water and I have to go the washroom more often. I have two water bottles with me at work and I drink them frequently. In one shift, I usually go about three to four times in five hours. I should say that even as I do this, I’m still getting my work done in a timely manner. Nobody has complained about how long I’m taking with my work. When I first started working there one manager used to bully everyone, but after I spoke up about…

*TLDR at the bottom.

So let me start by saying that I have a medical condition, gastritis, that has me going to the bathroom often, and spending longer than necessary in there. I have no control over it. It just happens, and when I need to go, I need to go.

I also take an antidepressant that causes dry mouth, so I drink more water and I have to go the washroom more often. I have two water bottles with me at work and I drink them frequently.

In one shift, I usually go about three to four times in five hours. I should say that even as I do this, I’m still getting my work done in a timely manner.

Nobody has complained about how long I’m taking with my work. When I first started working there one manager used to bully everyone, but after I spoke up about it, she calmed down quite a bit.

She used to make nosy comments about how I go to the bathroom too much and I’m taking too long. This was four years ago. For all I know I could have had this medical condition then too, I just didn’t know it. I was only diagnosed with it a few months ago.

Anyway, I spoke up about this and how she’s picking on me most of the time, she must have had her job threatened if she continued doing this. So she stopped, and nothing serious has happened since then. She still has her bad days, but it’s nowhere near as bad as when I first started working there.

So fast forward a bit, there’s this one manager who’s two faced, she’s nice to me for a couple days, then for the next week or so, she’s being rude for no reason. And when she’s in this state, she gets her nose all up in my personal business.

She said out loud after going to the bathroom that she only spends one minute in there. And I’m rolling my eyes and thinking “good for you. Do you want an award for least time spent on the shitter?”

Aside from the manager who used to bully everyone, this two faced manager was the only one who had a problem with my frequent bathroom breaks and how long I spend in there. It’s not a crazy amount of time. At most, 20 minutes. It’s not like I’m in there for an hour.

Also, I should say that there’s more than one bathroom for the other employees to use if they need to. I’m not hogging the only bathroom. There’s six other bathrooms, and surely there isn’t going to be someone in all of them at the exact same time.

So today I went to the bathroom two times in three hours. Two times, and she had an issue with it. First time it was about 16 minutes I was in there because of my medical condition.

When I came back in, she was staring at me, then she started complaining to the other manager that I’m taking too long, and I’m going too much, and this and that, and blah blah blah.

And they both know I have gastritis. One day I was having really sharp stomach pains and I asked the manager if I can sit down for five minutes. She told me to go sit down, and after a few minutes she came and asked me what happened.

I told her the doctor said I have a problem with my stomach. I didn’t want to be too specific because I was too shy. She asked me if I want to take Midol or Advil or something, and I told her the doctor said I can’t because it’ll make the pain worse.

I told her I can only take Tylenol, and they didn’t have any Tylenol. So she knows about my condition, and so does the other manager. She told her after she was concerned about me when she saw me in pain.

So they both know. And I don’t feel comfortable telling them that because of this condition, I have to go the bathroom more often, and I spend longer than usual in there because of that condition. I’m not doing it on purpose.

But it seems to be getting to the point that I’ll have to give them a doctor’s note. Nobody has once asked me why I’m taking too long in the bathroom.

Nobody has made any comments about my bathroom habits, except for the manager who used to pick on me, which she hasn’t said anything about it since I spoke up about it, and the two faced manager.

Oh, and here’s the real funny thing. My second time going to the bathroom, I walked out of the kitchen, and she also walked out of the kitchen to watch me and see where I’m going, and likely complained to the manager again after she saw I went into the bathroom.

This is getting to be too much. She’s getting in my personal business too much, and it’s making me uncomfortable. I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m going to work tomorrow and she’s going to be there the same time as me.

It’s getting to the point that I feel uncomfortable working at the same time as her. I feel like I can’t go to the bathroom when I need to without being judged and mocked and gossiped about. So what do I do with this situation? How do I get her to back off and get her nose out of my personal business?

TLDR; I have a medical condition that has me going to the bathroom often, and spending longer than usual in there, my manager is being nosy, watching me when I’m getting out of the kitchen and walking towards the bathrooms and it’s making me uncomfortable. What do I do? How do I deal with this?

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