
Owner forced into bankruptcy & can’t pay final check.

The owner of this weed dispensary I used to work at was forced into filing for bankruptcy. Basically, weed suppliers were fronting him products, and he never paid anyone. Or he did, but he was running it like a Ponzi scheme. Now, he’s out of money and has to shut the company down. All the employees received layoff notices, but the head boss went MIA, and nobody received their final check. When someone finally got ahold of him, he said he was dead broke, and there was no money left to pay anyone. So now everyone is laid off, AND they didn’t even receive their final paycheck. The word on the street is that the owner might flee the country as he’s not even from here. What advice can I give to my old colleagues that got stiffed by this guy? They’re super upset and shocked that this is all…

The owner of this weed dispensary I used to work at was forced into filing for bankruptcy. Basically, weed suppliers were fronting him products, and he never paid anyone. Or he did, but he was running it like a Ponzi scheme. Now, he’s out of money and has to shut the company down.

All the employees received layoff notices, but the head boss went MIA, and nobody received their final check. When someone finally got ahold of him, he said he was dead broke, and there was no money left to pay anyone.

So now everyone is laid off, AND they didn’t even receive their final paycheck. The word on the street is that the owner might flee the country as he’s not even from here.

What advice can I give to my old colleagues that got stiffed by this guy? They’re super upset and shocked that this is all happening right before the holidays.

What’s course of action would you recommend to them?

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