
7 Years…

I've been at my current company for 7 years as of Nov. During that tenure, I've seen the company grow from about 20 employees in an old warehouse to over 500 employees nationwide with an office in Canada as now as well, two mergers, and at least three acquisitions. I've seen so many employees come and go, I'm one of the few who are from the original company that are still around. Needless to say, a 7 year tenure is nothing to scoff at with this company, or even the tech industry as a whole. The HR department does a lot of the fake “we're family” BS that a lot of companies like to throw around. One of these things is a small announcement on Slack that just congratulates you on your number of years at the company. As I said, I hit 7 years and no one said a…

I've been at my current company for 7 years as of Nov. During that tenure, I've seen the company grow from about 20 employees in an old warehouse to over 500 employees nationwide with an office in Canada as now as well, two mergers, and at least three acquisitions. I've seen so many employees come and go, I'm one of the few who are from the original company that are still around. Needless to say, a 7 year tenure is nothing to scoff at with this company, or even the tech industry as a whole.

The HR department does a lot of the fake “we're family” BS that a lot of companies like to throw around. One of these things is a small announcement on Slack that just congratulates you on your number of years at the company. As I said, I hit 7 years and no one said a word. No “Congrats on 7 years, thanks for your work!”. Just silence, business as usual. When I look at it objectively, it feels dumb. And it probably is. But it's been eating at me a little. Especially when I see people being lit up and sparks flying out of everyone's ass over 2 years a couple days later. I don't think I'm asking for too much, just a small recognition for my time at the company like everyone else gets. I'm not disliked at the company, as far as I can tell. Maybe it just fell through the cracks but it really made me feel like just a number for the first time since leaving my last job at a much larger company.

I'm thinking of taking the month-long paid sabbatical I'm eligible for once I hit 8 years then jumping ship. The benefits are pretty good, unlimited PTO (which we know what a beautiful lie that is), okay pay, good insurance, remote work, etc… but I feel like at least some of those benefits are pretty common since I was in the market for a job last. I know the job market is dookie right now, so maybe we'll see in a year or so…

Apologies for the book of a vent but it's just a thing that has been eating at me for a couple weeks now and I figured you folks might get it.

TL;DR Been at my job for 7 years as of November and no one noticed and that made me sadface because I made the mistake of thinking I meant something to the company. Or I'm just being too sensitive.

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