
Would I have a case

So I work for a thrift store company I had a couple of incidents between me and my manager all of which the manager was the aggressor I reported the manager and after one incident I quit.After reporting her I was given my job back and she was moved to another store and promoted.The day before my manager came in late due to jury duty And the other manager came back in not to my knowledge at the time.A employee that rents a house from her bumped into me trying to start a altercation.Would I have a legit case ?????

So I work for a thrift store company
I had a couple of incidents between me and my manager all of which the manager was the aggressor I reported the manager and after one incident I quit.After reporting her I was given my job back and she was moved to another store and promoted.The day before my manager came in late due to jury duty
And the other manager came back in not to my knowledge at the time.A employee that rents a house from her bumped into me trying to start a altercation.Would I have a legit case ?????

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