
2 days to find a new job

I work for an after school program in California. I love my job and I love my kids. The best part is I can take my son with me so I don't need to pay a babysitter and he gets to play with kids his age. Today (Fri Dec 8), our district manager let me know that he doesn't have enough hours to let me come in for the foreseeable future. I've also been instructed to not come in on Monday for the same reason. He said it came from corporate. Apparently, they hired more staff for this district because they predicted more kids would join but when the membership numbers didn't meet their expectations, they're now stuck with too many employees and too little hours. I'm really mad because my husband and I both work part time. My husband who manages a tea shop was promised full time hours…

I work for an after school program in California. I love my job and I love my kids. The best part is I can take my son with me so I don't need to pay a babysitter and he gets to play with kids his age.

Today (Fri Dec 8), our district manager let me know that he doesn't have enough hours to let me come in for the foreseeable future. I've also been instructed to not come in on Monday for the same reason. He said it came from corporate. Apparently, they hired more staff for this district because they predicted more kids would join but when the membership numbers didn't meet their expectations, they're now stuck with too many employees and too little hours.

I'm really mad because my husband and I both work part time. My husband who manages a tea shop was promised full time hours back in October but his employer never kept it as they are always in overseas trips. We live almost paycheck to paycheck with little to spare to give our son some holiday fun.

Apart from my family, I really love our kids in the program. We plan activities we know they'll love or rewrite the corporate issued curriculum so that they'll be more interested in it. I'm pretty into arts and crafts so I've decorated our program site, organized it, and incorporated as much of our kids' interests into it as possible. My team and I also have an excellent and efficient system in place so having one less staff is a huge blow and a massive adjustment for the kids' routine.

My boss offered to transfer me to another district but I don't have any means of transportation because my old car broke. He offered to have himself down as reference but that doesn't really help either.

I want to keep my kids. I want to keep my son in his club. I wish I could stay. This sucks so bad.

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