
Advice on separating from work?

So, long story short, I get too worked up and emotionally invested in my work. I have a problem of taking things personally. It's definitely something I need to work on. My boyfriend has tried to help, as he dealt with the same thing before in his career. He said “before you get worked up about something at work, think about how much it is hurting you more than it really should.” He's pretty zen when it comes to separating his identity from work (more like it's just a job, end of story). I struggle with that, I think due to how my family's attitudes are similar to mine when it comes to work (you work hard, it's a major part of your identity, being productive is the ideal, etc, etc. not healthy, I know). I want to know if anyone has developed a way to disassociate from their work…

So, long story short, I get too worked up and emotionally invested in my work. I have a problem of taking things personally. It's definitely something I need to work on. My boyfriend has tried to help, as he dealt with the same thing before in his career. He said “before you get worked up about something at work, think about how much it is hurting you more than it really should.” He's pretty zen when it comes to separating his identity from work (more like it's just a job, end of story).

I struggle with that, I think due to how my family's attitudes are similar to mine when it comes to work (you work hard, it's a major part of your identity, being productive is the ideal, etc, etc. not healthy, I know).

I want to know if anyone has developed a way to disassociate from their work or not get too emotionally invested in it? I feel like I get worked up about little things and it is exhausting. Like, how can I get to the point where it's like “ok, I'm going to put in my 8 hours, earn my paycheck, and be done for the day.” And not get upset about a tense meeting or something unexpected coming up.

TLDR: I get too emotionally invested in work and take it personally. I want to be able to just see it as a job where I go to work, make a paycheck and live my life (not make work my life).

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