
Should I quit my job at 16?

I work 9 hours every weekend where I do 5 hours on Saturday and 4 hours on Sunday. I make around 300 pounds a month from this. On the other hand I made around 1k from youtube last month and It seems to be going up. I am not enjoying my job but i am enjoying youtube. It feels like my weekend is taken every week even though its only 9 hours as I find it difficult to be able to study and go out with friends. The reasons I haven't quit already is that it still makes me some money and I think it'll look bad on my CV whilst my parents have told me to stick it out longer. I have been working for around 3 months and I think I've given it a good shot and I've tried my hardest but it just doesn't seem to be…

I work 9 hours every weekend where I do 5 hours on Saturday and 4 hours on Sunday. I make around 300 pounds a month from this. On the other hand I made around 1k from youtube last month and It seems to be going up. I am not enjoying my job but i am enjoying youtube. It feels like my weekend is taken every week even though its only 9 hours as I find it difficult to be able to study and go out with friends. The reasons I haven't quit already is that it still makes me some money and I think it'll look bad on my CV whilst my parents have told me to stick it out longer. I have been working for around 3 months and I think I've given it a good shot and I've tried my hardest but it just doesn't seem to be getting better. Sorry for the ramble. I appreciate any messages. Thank you foe your time.

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