
Hard work is rewarded with nothing but more work and hypocrisy RANT

Sorry to Rant. Today was awful. In fact, this week has been awful. Yesterday we got a series of emails from our manager, saying how we are doing everything wrong in our department. First the entire department is going to get write ups if logs keep getting missed. I do all of my logs, all shift. But I'm at risk for a write up because they dont do the logs on my days off. Got told that my coming in early and staying late to help get production work done in the weeks before our biggest event of the year, was “not in accordance with Company X's attendance policy.” My manager said we had unlimited overtime available and said they appreciated my work, now it's suddenly against the company policy and I will get written up if I stay late, like I have to do constantly because half the staff…

Sorry to Rant. Today was awful. In fact, this week has been awful. Yesterday we got a series of emails from our manager, saying how we are doing everything wrong in our department. First the entire department is going to get write ups if logs keep getting missed. I do all of my logs, all shift. But I'm at risk for a write up because they dont do the logs on my days off. Got told that my coming in early and staying late to help get production work done in the weeks before our biggest event of the year, was “not in accordance with Company X's attendance policy.” My manager said we had unlimited overtime available and said they appreciated my work, now it's suddenly against the company policy and I will get written up if I stay late, like I have to do constantly because half the staff has been there less than a month and need help. I never once was clocked in and not doing something.

Which leads me to today. I opened, and was prepared to run the department by myself for 2 and a half hours. Only to find out my manager, who literally just threatened write ups over “attendance policy,” has called out. Which means I was by myself for 4 straight hours, juggling multiple things, phone calls, and questions at any given time. There is also a big Santa event at the store this morning with tons of attendees, so it was busy. Time comes for the next person to come in, I get a phone call, they are calling out because they had some “personal stuff” come up and they arent coming in. Again, not even a thought that somebody should come in to cover, or even telling people so someone could offer to come in early. Just a giant F you, do three people's jobs. By the time the next person comes in, also 15mins late for their shift, I had been working by myself for 5 hours and 15mins. No break, couldn't go to the bathroom, I was running around so fast trying to get stuff done I had a mild asthma attack and couldn't catch my breath for quite some time. I don't get 15min breaks, even though Company X's policy states specifically we should be taking them. The afternoon/night shift had 7 people, 5 people standing around doing nothing. I busted ass for over 5hrs by myself, and they get 5 people to do the same job for the afternoon and two more to close.

So I'm at risk for write ups for working too hard, coming in early and staying late, thats against attendance policy, but coming in late, abandoning your shift, and standing around doing nothing is totally in line with company values. I can't even blame my coworker who called me, she is young and in college. But my manager, who knows they have also called out, told this coworker to go ahead and stay home, its fine, OP can do everything herself. Nobody even tried to find coverage for either shift, it is just presumed I can do three people's jobs. I'm legit so disgusted by the lack of decency I want to file a formal complaint with HR, but I also know HR only works for the company and it would only cause problems. My hard work and dedication is literally being exploited and abused, but its the hypocrisy that kills me. Attendance policy should be managers need to come in and work, especially if they already told another coworker they could stay home. I should have walked out today if I werent so broke.

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