
How does one imagine Sisyphus happy?

I don't have the ability to solve capitalism on my own, so how do I make myself less miserable about having to work my life away? I niched into a skillset that doesn't pay well, and everything else I can think of that sounds tolerable looks at high risk of being automated within 5 years, so FIRE isn't realistic. Just tolerating my job and living for the weekend doesn't work because on the weekend I'm too drained and busy dreading Monday. Given that I'm likely stuck working another 3-4 decades, how do I enjoy the ride a little more?

I don't have the ability to solve capitalism on my own, so how do I make myself less miserable about having to work my life away?

I niched into a skillset that doesn't pay well, and everything else I can think of that sounds tolerable looks at high risk of being automated within 5 years, so FIRE isn't realistic.

Just tolerating my job and living for the weekend doesn't work because on the weekend I'm too drained and busy dreading Monday.

Given that I'm likely stuck working another 3-4 decades, how do I enjoy the ride a little more?

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