
Have you heard of the Degrowth movement? It means better working conditions through a more balanced economic and environmental impact distribution

Per Wikipedia: “Degrowth theory argues that economic growth measured by GDP should be abandoned as a policy objective. Policy should instead focus on economic and social metrics such as life expectancy, health, education, housing, and ecologically sustainable work as indicators of both eco-systems and human well-being.” Here’s how to get it mobilized: Create a report / dashboard that can be easily updated (maybe automatically) and easily shared (therefore screenshot-able) of the key metrics graphed over time that indicate better life / environmental quality (e.g., life expectancy, health outcomes, happiness indicators, carbon, waste, underemployment, cost of living, etc). Include in the report a scorecard with top and bottom performing companies as it relates to their treatment of employees, golden parachutes, ceo pay, excess profit, layoffs, monopolistic practices, donations to politicians, law/regulation violations etc. Circulate and drive attention to these metrics/scores. Partner with unions, non profits and communities to spread the word…

Per Wikipedia: “Degrowth theory argues that economic growth measured by GDP should be abandoned as a policy objective. Policy should instead focus on economic and social metrics such as life expectancy, health, education, housing, and ecologically sustainable work as indicators of both eco-systems and human well-being.”

Here’s how to get it mobilized:

Create a report / dashboard that can be easily updated (maybe automatically) and easily shared (therefore screenshot-able) of the key metrics graphed over time that indicate better life / environmental quality (e.g., life expectancy, health outcomes, happiness indicators, carbon, waste, underemployment, cost of living, etc).

Include in the report a scorecard with top and bottom performing companies as it relates to their treatment of employees, golden parachutes, ceo pay, excess profit, layoffs, monopolistic practices, donations to politicians, law/regulation violations etc.

Circulate and drive attention to these metrics/scores. Partner with unions, non profits and communities to spread the word to consumers and workers and unite to shift away from companies who prioritize GDP, profiteering, redlining so to speak, wage suppression, etc.

If politicians and corporations aren’t talking about how they intend to improve these metrics and scores (which they don’t) then call them out on it.

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