
Electrician job advice

My husband is an electrician currently at a large national company is the US. He’s been there 12 years and worked his way into a top 5 earner as well as got his license for our state and an additional certification relevant to his job. The only real downside other than the usual BS like mid level management is he has to provide his own work vehicle. His truck just crapped out at the worst possible time. The economy is shite and while we can afford a car payment I’m scared of getting upside down in a loan and what if the engine or trans gives out right after. So he’s interviewed a couple places and one seems like a lateral move financially but it’s a smaller company, though still quite large and they provide the truck and gas. But because both positions are commission he can’t know for sure…

My husband is an electrician currently at a large national company is the US. He’s been there 12 years and worked his way into a top 5 earner as well as got his license for our state and an additional certification relevant to his job. The only real downside other than the usual BS like mid level management is he has to provide his own work vehicle. His truck just crapped out at the worst possible time. The economy is shite and while we can afford a car payment I’m scared of getting upside down in a loan and what if the engine or trans gives out right after.
So he’s interviewed a couple places and one seems like a lateral move financially but it’s a smaller company, though still quite large and they provide the truck and gas. But because both positions are commission he can’t know for sure the move would pay the same.
We’re back and forth on what seniority is worth now days. Due to his status at his current company he’d be cut last as he makes them so much money, and he is afforded things like saying no to management without repercussions. We have no illusions the company cares about him as a person, but starting over in his mid 30’s is terrifying.
So I’m asking total strangers for advice and opinions. Would you try your luck somewhere new or stay with what you know…?

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