
Laid off work because of budget issues – request for written explanation from board of directors denied (cross-posted)

The good folks over at r/adhdwomen suggested that I post here. I’m looking for advice and also need to vent. For the past 6 years, I have worked at the public library in our tiny village. In 30+ years of struggling in the workforce, I never thought I would find the perfect job, but this is IT. It’s perfectly suited to my ADHD with the variety of tasks, helping people, socializing, creativity, data nerd stuff, etc. I was knocking it out of the park on every level. Being part-time with no benefits was not ideal, but that was a tradeoff I was willing to make for a job I could throw my heart and soul into and feel proud to tell people what I do for a living. In early October, the board of directors informed me that they ran out of money to pay me and I am officially…

The good folks over at r/adhdwomen suggested that I post here.

I’m looking for advice and also need to vent.

For the past 6 years, I have worked at the public library in our tiny village. In 30+ years of struggling in the workforce, I never thought I would find the perfect job, but this is IT. It’s perfectly suited to my ADHD with the variety of tasks, helping people, socializing, creativity, data nerd stuff, etc. I was knocking it out of the park on every level. Being part-time with no benefits was not ideal, but that was a tradeoff I was willing to make for a job I could throw my heart and soul into and feel proud to tell people what I do for a living.

In early October, the board of directors informed me that they ran out of money to pay me and I am officially laid off until May. I have barely stopped crying since. This decision sent me into a deep depression and I’ve been taking Wellbutrin for it – it is helping, but only a little. I’m a widowed single mother, and barely functional thanks to ADHD. That job was my lifeline and you have never seen a more dedicated employee.

They insist that they did not mismanage the budget and have offered to sit down with me to explain exactly how they didn’t screw up. They RAN OUT OF MONEY TO PAY ME. On what planet is that not a screw up?

I have researched it, and this fits the definition of constructive dismissal, which, in my panic, despair and anger, I pointed out to them. Now, I am being stonewalled because they are afraid I’m going to sue. I am confident that I would win if I decided to take legal action and they would end up having to pay me anyway. I don’t want to do that because it’s just ugly, it would probably sink the library and I would never be able to work at the job I love again. (Apparently, I’m a glutton for punishment. They could just lay me off again next fall, right?)

When the CEO told me the news, she was supposed to walk me through the budget, but we were both way too upset. I made a request citing the AODA to please offer the explanation in writing – I guess I didn’t do it right. The first request was flat-out ignored. The second request was bluntly denied. I am to “request” a meeting with the board to get further information.

So, they expect me to meet with them in person for an explanation of numbers that I absolutely will not absorb because: a) ADHD; b) emotional dysregulation; and c) RSD.

Guys, I’m gutted here.

How do I properly cite the AODA for an explanation that doesn’t require an in-person meeting? Is that even a thing?

Thanks for listening and I appreciate any suggestions you might have.

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