
Have a meeting with HR in the morning

I’m so fucking tired of having to meet to discuss potential accommodations because I have to miss work so frequently due to chronic illness or specialist appointments. I have endometriosis, interstitial cystitis, diabetes, and maybe narcolepsy (I find out Tuesday). I totaled my car my first week of work. Last week I got Covid. And I’m now having my second allergic reaction to something in a month and my eyes are swollen shut. I hate this. I don’t even know what to ask for at this point.

I’m so fucking tired of having to meet to discuss potential accommodations because I have to miss work so frequently due to chronic illness or specialist appointments. I have endometriosis, interstitial cystitis, diabetes, and maybe narcolepsy (I find out Tuesday). I totaled my car my first week of work. Last week I got Covid. And I’m now having my second allergic reaction to something in a month and my eyes are swollen shut. I hate this. I don’t even know what to ask for at this point.

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