
Got fired for accepting stolen merchandise when the thief knew he was caught.

A shoplifter walked out, i being the MOD, followed him out to get a picture of the car and license plate so i could call the cops. The shoplifter saw me with my phone in my hand and said “if i give it back will you not call the cops?” I said okay, when he handed me a jar of mayonnaise and can of chicken salad i immediately felt sorry for the guy. I gave him a lecture about how if he was starving he could say that and i would feel badly enough to buy him a sandwich, but not to steal from me. Me meaning the store. About a month later i was asked to make a statement about the incident and a month after that i was terminated. I would have been better off if i had lied and said i found the merch on the floor…

A shoplifter walked out, i being the MOD, followed him out to get a picture of the car and license plate so i could call the cops. The shoplifter saw me with my phone in my hand and said “if i give it back will you not call the cops?” I said okay, when he handed me a jar of mayonnaise and can of chicken salad i immediately felt sorry for the guy. I gave him a lecture about how if he was starving he could say that and i would feel badly enough to buy him a sandwich, but not to steal from me. Me meaning the store. About a month later i was asked to make a statement about the incident and a month after that i was terminated. I would have been better off if i had lied and said i found the merch on the floor outside. Turns out it was the two minute lecture that gave corporate the idea that i strong armed him into giving back the merchandise.

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