
So goddamn sick of trying to scrape out a life on the fringes of work

Work takes away the best hours of my day and leaves me the dregs. 1 hour commute each way and 8-9 hours sitting in an office kills all my energy and motivation and will to live. After fighting through rush hour traffic home, all I can do is collapse in bed and mindlessly consume social media until I pass out. If I want any time off, I have to beg for it and it’s limited to a couple measly days a year so I don’t look bad. Over the weekends, I don’t even want to leave the house since I spend so much goddamn time commuting and away from the house during the week that I just want to stay home, in my bed, and enjoy the very limited time I have to just chill. If I want to leave early one day to go to an activity or just…

Work takes away the best hours of my day and leaves me the dregs. 1 hour commute each way and 8-9 hours sitting in an office kills all my energy and motivation and will to live. After fighting through rush hour traffic home, all I can do is collapse in bed and mindlessly consume social media until I pass out. If I want any time off, I have to beg for it and it’s limited to a couple measly days a year so I don’t look bad. Over the weekends, I don’t even want to leave the house since I spend so much goddamn time commuting and away from the house during the week that I just want to stay home, in my bed, and enjoy the very limited time I have to just chill. If I want to leave early one day to go to an activity or just get some of my life back, I have to grind through 9-10 hours on the other days just so I can store up enough time to afford to leave early. I fucking hate having to rearrange my entire goddamn life around 40 hours. I’m so fucking tired and done.

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