
Quit my job after 13 years with the company I helped build

Where do I even begin? It has been thirteen years since I started in this trade, and I have poured my heart and soul into it. I have dedicated countless weekends and overtime hours to make this construction company successful. Through my hard work, I have put my boss in a position where he can focus on growing the business instead of working on the tools. However, as the company has grown, I find myself being treated no differently than any other new employee. Over the past three months, I have become bitter about my wage. I decided to educate myself on the business aspect of this trade and learned the numbers for quoting jobs. It was then that I realized how poorly I have been compensated for my contribution. While my wage may be industry standard, I am not industry standard. There is no one else who can do…

Where do I even begin? It has been thirteen years since I started in this trade, and I have poured my heart and soul into it. I have dedicated countless weekends and overtime hours to make this construction company successful. Through my hard work, I have put my boss in a position where he can focus on growing the business instead of working on the tools. However, as the company has grown, I find myself being treated no differently than any other new employee.

Over the past three months, I have become bitter about my wage. I decided to educate myself on the business aspect of this trade and learned the numbers for quoting jobs. It was then that I realized how poorly I have been compensated for my contribution. While my wage may be industry standard, I am not industry standard. There is no one else who can do the type of work I do. My job has transformed into quality control, and all I receive is the dirtiest tasks and reminders to be grateful for my employment.

Throughout my years of labor, my boss directly acknowledged that I was responsible for the company's growth. Yet, what do I have to show for it? Thirteen years of no vacations, no bonuses, and no additional rewards. I have merely been told that I should be grateful. This week, I reached my breaking point. I contacted several contacts I had made over the years, and I ended up partnering up with a former co-worker and friend. We decided to share ownership equally, knowing our true worth.

Knowing my value, I refuse to allow myself to be belittled by anyone. After dedicating thirteen years of hard work to one company, I expected to be treated differently. I hoped for the privilege of arriving late and working later, considering I already work six days a week, putting in 50-70 hours. I persevered even during tough times, battling with my heart condition, pericarditis, mourning the loss of my sister, and facing the deaths of both my parents. It was only when my father passed away that I finally took time off, and even then, I received little reprieve before facing threats of losing the company truck for an extended absence.

Why should I continue to invest my heart, soul, blood, and tears into a machine that will discard me like it does everyone else? From now on, I will no longer allow myself to be swallowed by this system. I have come to realize my worth, and I will not settle for anything less.

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