
Caddie master rage fit, brevity master mic drip

TL;DR: Made a life move and quit the golf season. I had this raging alcoholic caddie master for a boss one season. I worked under him as a caddie and as outside operations. I made money from looping as well as hourly for the outside job, 6 or 7 days a week. The place is a fancy golf factory and the product is really average golf being played by rich men. Anyways, I went into work one day as the fall season was slowing down. It was a short drive and I had some exciting news for my boss. I told him I needed the morning off to follow up on a teaching job offer I had received the day before. I watched him literally biting his tongue as I explained that I would still be happy to come back in the afternoon, cover a loop for him, and then…

TL;DR: Made a life move and quit the golf season.

I had this raging alcoholic caddie master for a boss one season. I worked under him as a caddie and as outside operations. I made money from looping as well as hourly for the outside job, 6 or 7 days a week. The place is a fancy golf factory and the product is really average golf being played by rich men.

Anyways, I went into work one day as the fall season was slowing down. It was a short drive and I had some exciting news for my boss. I told him I needed the morning off to follow up on a teaching job offer I had received the day before.

I watched him literally biting his tongue as I explained that I would still be happy to come back in the afternoon, cover a loop for him, and then close up shop as I normally do. He had me scheduled for open-caddie-close, like usual.

He paused for a second and proceeded to explode into manic rage, going on and on about “commitment this” and “teamwork that”. The last thing he could scream in his little soliloquy to me, the audience, was,”you're really fucking ME here!”

No one saw him freak the fuck out except for this one high school caddie. After a second or two of absolute silence, I half-smirked, and said, “bet. I'll see you at 12.”

That was the last day I worked for him. Fuck your season. Fuck your 2 weeks.

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