
Our rich CIO told us to “do the job the love, not the money” when we told him we didn’t make enough to live

So the title says it all really. We had a very rare sit down and speak with what appeared to be a caring, wholesome, understanding leader in our group. He asked about what we needed and our concerns, so we of course brought up the fact that people who work there with even multiple degrees couldn't buy homes or save money. At best most were living check to check. He suggested that we should view the job as a chance to give, not to earn. He said no one works for the passion anymore. That they're cutting cost to the customer and they simply cannot afford it ( while raising prices and making record profits of course). Apparently completely obvious to his monumental amount of privilege he was bathing in while telling us all about how hard he's had it. He continued to go on about how he's not here…

So the title says it all really.
We had a very rare sit down and speak with what appeared to be a caring, wholesome, understanding leader in our group.
He asked about what we needed and our concerns, so we of course brought up the fact that people who work there with even multiple degrees couldn't buy homes or save money. At best most were living check to check.
He suggested that we should view the job as a chance to give, not to earn. He said no one works for the passion anymore. That they're cutting cost to the customer and they simply cannot afford it ( while raising prices and making record profits of course). Apparently completely obvious to his monumental amount of privilege he was bathing in while telling us all about how hard he's had it. He continued to go on about how he's not here for the money. He's here to change things. To make lives better. Like he was Jesus himself, job hopping between corporate gigs with golden parachutes, buying houses and cars, not for the money but to in fact do it's all a favor. He's here for us.
Not money favor mind you. The favor was clearly his presence. His lying grin and broken promises. His dense, clueless countenance as he spewed an overwhelming deluge of fetid heroism into our faces. A room full of us, a room full of him and he pulled this.

I think the man may actually even believe it.

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