
The worst non profit I’ve ever worked for.

Management is grotesques walks around the office bare foot she is always late for work is unempathetic is sexists' fetishizes her younger black tech is unprofessional displays toxic behavior as a manager exudes poor leadership skills towards good employees. She keeps the door locked because she doesn't like to deal with the residents directly. She's vindicate, manipulative she lies and over dramatizes incidents to benefit her interest. On Nov. 30, 2023 @ 11:20am I was wrongfully Terminated over false allegations. Forced to turn in keys in front the police and escorted out like an animal (I have both a clean career & criminal record). LET THIS BE KNOWN I WILL NOT GO IN SILENCE. I WILL NOT BE Dehumanized YOU WILL NOT HUMILIATE ME. NOT NEVER IN MY CAREER NOR IN MY PERSONAL LIFE HAVE I EVER BEEN Accused OF SUCH HORRIFIC ATROCITIES. While in the middle of my work…

Management is grotesques walks around the office bare foot she is always late for work is unempathetic is sexists' fetishizes her younger black tech is unprofessional displays toxic behavior as a manager exudes poor leadership skills towards good employees. She keeps the door locked because she doesn't like to deal with the residents directly. She's vindicate, manipulative she lies and over dramatizes incidents to benefit her interest. On Nov. 30, 2023 @ 11:20am I was wrongfully Terminated over false allegations. Forced to turn in keys in front the police and escorted out like an animal (I have both a clean career & criminal record). LET THIS BE KNOWN I WILL NOT GO IN SILENCE. I WILL NOT BE Dehumanized YOU WILL NOT HUMILIATE ME. NOT NEVER IN MY CAREER NOR IN MY PERSONAL LIFE HAVE I EVER BEEN Accused OF SUCH HORRIFIC ATROCITIES. While in the middle of my work day I was ambushed by management corporate and the maintenance supervisor these individuals enacted a form of YT Violence on my character trying to destroy my career and jeopardizing MY LIVELIHOOD as of now because of what they did to terminated me I can't even collect UNEMPLOYMENT. Boy I'll tell you the hate is real. No matter what you do to be kind to people hate is hate and management and her lynch mob supporters in cooperate and all of BC staff and case management helped her to do that. This was nothing more than some cowardice move by a petty set of mislabel individuals that don't appreciate what they have in a hard working authentic employee. I highly recommend OSHA and the Department of Public Health & Environment take a stroll around the property. AND THIS TIME DO NOT GIVE THEM A SLAP ON THE WRIST. You were just there in August.The Squatters are living with residents that are known to be drug dealers who are actual criminals or have warrants and or fire arms around children. Illegal things things happen i.e. Cooperate including management evicts people over favoritism. Rondos are smoking phytanyl in hallways and stairways and the entrances of the building. There was no need for the theatrics in trying to prove a point to humiliate and dehumanize me in TRYING TO TEAR ME DOWN. I was already planning on leaving due to the hostile (Residents and squatters) unsafe unclean biohazardous environment. Being lied to about my job role discrimination, bigotry, fetishization and favoritism from the very begging . I agreed to stay until early spring time as a favor to management to give her time in her words “to find another maintenance man.” In the end what was this all for?? What was the purpose?? Like I told management before her theatrical ambush if I wasn't a good fit you could have let me go. I would have left in peace I didn't want to be there anyway you don't have to tell me twice to leave. Anyone who knows me knows that!! This could have all been avoided. without cowardice and some professionalism from all of YOU!! SHAME ON ALL OF YOU ESPECIALLY YOU maintenance supervisor SOME MINISTER YOU ARE! where was your grace and mercy then? “In stead like all YT people do when they want to get their point across they revert to their 500 year old default setting and play the (” I fear for my life.”( person of color) A Latina/o or Hispanic woman has threatened my life please save me officer save my life.) Whatever was told to the police must have been very serious but not enough to charge me or have me arrested Be ware In cooperate AMERIKA YT women get to keep their jobs no matter the atrocities they commit towards others, black men get fetishized highly favored and get to keep their jobs. But the out spoken Latina/Hispanic woman looses her job DURUING THE HOLIDAYS. Nice job non profit you are winners!!! what a way to show the holiday spirit. I was kind to everyone on staff including case management staff I took up for everyone including management when everyone tore her down. I Gifted words of life where she plotted words of death to have me terminated without a chance to defend myself. No one took up for me clearly this nonprofit is and never was an ally.

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