
How to talk to HR about possibly going on FMLA without getting fucked over?

I’ve been at my job (in IL, 50+ employees) for barely over a year. My family lives in a different state, and we have 2 pretty severe diagnosis in my immediate family- my dad has stage 1 lung cancer, and my grandmother was just diagnosed with stage 4 intestinal cancer and has decided to go in to hospice rather than fight it. I have pre-scheduled PTO from 12/15-1/1, and there is a non-zero chance that my grandmother will pass during that time. Thankfully, though, my dad just needs to finish chemo and then he will be considered in remission for the time being. I would be using FMLA to mainly support my family as my grandmother’s health declines. How do I broach the possibility of me using FMLA in 2024 to HR? Should I mention this now, before I take my PTO, or after I return on 1/2? Any and…

I’ve been at my job (in IL, 50+ employees) for barely over a year. My family lives in a different state, and we have 2 pretty severe diagnosis in my immediate family- my dad has stage 1 lung cancer, and my grandmother was just diagnosed with stage 4 intestinal cancer and has decided to go in to hospice rather than fight it. I have pre-scheduled PTO from 12/15-1/1, and there is a non-zero chance that my grandmother will pass during that time. Thankfully, though, my dad just needs to finish chemo and then he will be considered in remission for the time being. I would be using FMLA to mainly support my family as my grandmother’s health declines.

How do I broach the possibility of me using FMLA in 2024 to HR? Should I mention this now, before I take my PTO, or after I return on 1/2? Any and all advice wanted, this is my first corporate job post-grad and I don’t want to fuck myself on this.

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