
When the person who would be your boss tells you to apply for a job…

I met a guy at a recent conference who told me to apply for a job he was hiring for in his department. It would be an upper management direct report. We had a long conversation about their various projects and how I could step right in with my experience and contacts. He was enthusiastic about the prospect of me coming to work for him. He said I was, and I quote, “Exactly who we're looking for.” Except… I had to apply through their HR portal. Well, long story short, I got an automated response from their HR Bot telling me I didn't meet the minimum qualifications for the position with no further explanation and no opportunity to follow up. I emailed the guy and explained the situation and all he said was his hands were tied, that HR was HR and there was no way around their process. Yes,…

I met a guy at a recent conference who told me to apply for a job he was hiring for in his department. It would be an upper management direct report. We had a long conversation about their various projects and how I could step right in with my experience and contacts. He was enthusiastic about the prospect of me coming to work for him. He said I was, and I quote, “Exactly who we're looking for.”

Except… I had to apply through their HR portal.

Well, long story short, I got an automated response from their HR Bot telling me I didn't meet the minimum qualifications for the position with no further explanation and no opportunity to follow up.

I emailed the guy and explained the situation and all he said was his hands were tied, that HR was HR and there was no way around their process.

Yes, I DO want to work but the HR industry in this country is ruined. I have received not ONE request for an interview after 283 applications, and that's with a professional resume review and portfolio polish.

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