
Don’t mess with my dad.

This happened many years ago. My dad, who is Irish, worked on the building sites all over the west of Scotland as did many of his friends. Even though he was highly intelligent it was the only work available at that time for Irishmen. There was a lot of anti Irish racism around that time and most of the Irish just put up with and, as virtually all of them were Catholic, a lot of sectarian shite. One foreman in particular kept calling my dad Paddy, even though he knew his real name. It was always “Paddy get this done, Paddy get that done”. No please or thank you etc. Then there were the derogatory names like “fenian bastards” etc. Most of the Irish guys were scared of losing their jobs so just accepted it. Not my dad. He bumped into this bigoted piece of shite in a pub one…

This happened many years ago.

My dad, who is Irish, worked on the building sites all over the west of Scotland as did many of his friends.

Even though he was highly intelligent it was the only work available at that time for Irishmen.

There was a lot of anti Irish racism around that time and most of the Irish just put up with and, as virtually all of them were Catholic, a lot of sectarian shite.

One foreman in particular kept calling my dad Paddy, even though he knew his real name.

It was always “Paddy get this done, Paddy get that done”. No please or thank you etc.

Then there were the derogatory names like “fenian bastards” etc.

Most of the Irish guys were scared of losing their jobs so just accepted it.

Not my dad.

He bumped into this bigoted piece of shite in a pub one Friday night and he started the paddy bollox and fenian bastard shite, trying to impress his friends and ridicule my dad.

Now my dad was the most placid of guys you’ll ever meet but, if you push him too far, you WILL know all about it.

So my dad was quite a well built guy due to all the manual Labour he done on the building sites. And this particular night it came in handy.

Dad picked the sectarian bigot up by the throat, in front of all his friends, put him up against a wall and reminded him, once again, of his proper name, and advised him that if he ever called my dad, or any of his workmates Paddy again, instead of by their proper names, he’d have everyone off the site pronto, bring the site to a halt, and he get him sacked.

He then dropped the bigot to the floor. None of the bigots pals stepped in to back the bigot up.

Roll on the Monday morning and my Dad was expecting to get fired.


The bigot shit himself when he seen dad and, from that point on, all of his workmates were addressed by their proper names and the sectarian shite stopped.

Now a couple of my dads pals were with him on the night the incident and soon told the rest of the Irish workmen what had happened.

After they found out, it didn’t take much longer for the bigot to hand in his notice as he couldn’t get away with his bullying shite anymore.

And that was how my dad got his promotion.

He was so well respected on every site he worked on after that when he passed away, the church was full to capacity.

My dad, what a guy


I should mention that I didn’t know about this until dad’s funeral.
His friends were still laughing about it even though it was probably around 40 years ago.

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