
Outsourced to “help with busy season only”

Surprising exactly no one the company laid off about 20% of the team the day after busy season ended today. They refuse to answer if this will be the only round, who was laid off (20% is a guess based on how many people are missing from the team chat), or give any other useful information. When they announced the outsourcing they said it was for the busy season only, that they would be able to ramp up and down the support, and that no jobs were at risk despite what I said at the start of the post I'm amazed and horrified by how many co-workers were surprised by this. The next phase will be attrition and they'll make a living hell for all of us. Super looking forward to it.

Surprising exactly no one the company laid off about 20% of the team the day after busy season ended today. They refuse to answer if this will be the only round, who was laid off (20% is a guess based on how many people are missing from the team chat), or give any other useful information. When they announced the outsourcing they said it was for the busy season only, that they would be able to ramp up and down the support, and that no jobs were at risk despite what I said at the start of the post I'm amazed and horrified by how many co-workers were surprised by this. The next phase will be attrition and they'll make a living hell for all of us. Super looking forward to it.

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