
Toxic Environment 3 Months In

Hi all, long time lurker, first time poster here. I feel I need advice and a good vent so here it goes. I (F26) recently started working in a small property management office, it is just myself, my manager (we’ll call her Marie), and a maintenance technician. I was in college but due to financial circumstances I had to join the work force again and accepted a job in an industry I have worked in from the time I was 20 until about a year ago when I left to go back to school. When I interviewed the job I accepted sounded like a dream – great pay for this industry, 3 weeks PTO, benefits, etc. On my first day I started seeing the red flags. My manager proclaimed herself as “intense” and casually slipped in that every other week I would need to work 6 days in a row…

Hi all, long time lurker, first time poster here.

I feel I need advice and a good vent so here it goes.

I (F26) recently started working in a small property management office, it is just myself, my manager (we’ll call her Marie), and a maintenance technician. I was in college but due to financial circumstances I had to join the work force again and accepted a job in an industry I have worked in from the time I was 20 until about a year ago when I left to go back to school.

When I interviewed the job I accepted sounded like a dream – great pay for this industry, 3 weeks PTO, benefits, etc. On my first day I started seeing the red flags. My manager proclaimed herself as “intense” and casually slipped in that every other week I would need to work 6 days in a row and that our clothing allowance was actually every 6 months instead of 3. I was disappointed but needed the job and this is a very good company so I carried on.

Yesterday was my 90 days with this company and at this point I am absolutely miserable at work. My manager points out every little thing I don’t complete to the highest expectation. She has interrupted me with clients and told them I’m wrong only to say exactly the same thing I was saying. She typically comes in between 5-10 minutes late every day and often leaves early, today she left at 2:45 to take her dog to the vet despite having all day yesterday off. Recently she called me in to work on my day off and while she did offer me a bonus I overheard her asking another manager if she had to pay me overtime in addition to the bonus.

Marie is also discriminating against multiple clients who are 1st generation Americans or immigrants. If I listed every time she has said something offensive I would have to write a book.

The week I was watching “All Quiet On The Set” when I recognize some of her toxic behavior in Dan Schneider, specifically the fact that she lays the foundation that I will not be able to get a job in this industry if I get on her bad side.

I was close to walking out of the office today and quitting immediately but cooler heads prevailed, after all I do need the job. I have over 4 years of experience in this field and everyone else I’ve worked with has sung my praises but Marie’s demeanor gets worse everyday. Her previous officemate left because their relationship was so terrible that they would get in screaming fights.
I just don’t think I should be this unhappy after being in the office for only 3 months. I started a note on my phone to document issues but at this point I don’t know what to do. Her actions have left me in tears or close to tears at least 3 times since I’ve started. What do I do? Should I report her or just look for a new job? I am at the end of my rope.

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