
I am so sick of hearing about trickle down economics.

Trickle down economics has been proven false at this point. The exact opposite (let’s call it trickle up) has been shown to actually work these last couple years. When you raise the lowest wages among us, that’s forces every other company/position to adjust. When all the fast food places in my town started paying $15 an hour, that forced all the factories paying $15 an hour to raise to $19. When the factory worker started making $19, then the technicians ( that’s me) demanded to make $25…. So on and so on. From 2010 to 2019 (pre covid) my company made record profits every quarter for almost a decade straight and I never saw any of it trickle down. I’ve gotten my biggest bumps in pay recently because the “unskilled” jobs had to dramatically increase their pay to keep employees, which eventually trickled up to me. It drove me crazy…

Trickle down economics has been proven false at this point. The exact opposite (let’s call it trickle up) has been shown to actually work these last couple years. When you raise the lowest wages among us, that’s forces every other company/position to adjust.

When all the fast food places in my town started paying $15 an hour, that forced all the factories paying $15 an hour to raise to $19. When the factory worker started making $19, then the technicians ( that’s me) demanded to make $25…. So on and so on.

From 2010 to 2019 (pre covid) my company made record profits every quarter for almost a decade straight and I never saw any of it trickle down. I’ve gotten my biggest bumps in pay recently because the “unskilled” jobs had to dramatically increase their pay to keep employees, which eventually trickled up to me.

It drove me crazy during the “fight for $15” around 2012 when I’d hear people say burger flippers don’t deserve $15 because my “skilled” job only pays my $17. Hey, dumb fuck, if they start making $15 you can leverage that to get yourself a raise.

Trickle up just makes logical sense:

Trickle up method forces the money to the bottom,
to the people actually producing for society, and leaves what’s left for the top.

Trickle down relies on the rich fucks literally giving away money that they already possess (Not gonna happen).

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