
I just need to vent/rant..

This is probably going to be long, sorry, but the context is pretty necessary. I do want to start out by saying that my job is really not as terrible as most of the posts I see in this sub and I generally enjoy it most of the time. My manager just made a passive aggressive comment today and I'm irritated about it. For context- I was in an accident in early March (while on my lunch break- not at my workplace) that resulted in my right hand being broken and me needing to have surgery on it (I'm also right handed). My job requires pretty much constant use of my hands. I've been back to work for a few weeks but I'm on restrictions per my surgeon as far as my hours (I'm currently not working 8 hour days), and I'm also currently not physically able to do a…

This is probably going to be long, sorry, but the context is pretty necessary. I do want to start out by saying that my job is really not as terrible as most of the posts I see in this sub and I generally enjoy it most of the time. My manager just made a passive aggressive comment today and I'm irritated about it.

For context- I was in an accident in early March (while on my lunch break- not at my workplace) that resulted in my right hand being broken and me needing to have surgery on it (I'm also right handed). My job requires pretty much constant use of my hands. I've been back to work for a few weeks but I'm on restrictions per my surgeon as far as my hours (I'm currently not working 8 hour days), and I'm also currently not physically able to do a lot of the tasks that we do at my job (there are some tasks that I am able to still do). I also went on a 4 day vacation about 3 weeks after the accident. My surgeon knew about it and said I could still go, etc. I had the trip planned for months and would have been out a LOT of non-refundable money if I didn't go. This was also a trip I took with my preteen son- it's not like I was out partying, I didn't even drink at all on the trip and we had a decent amount of downtime and chilled at the hotel in between activities.

Anyways, I had a setback/complications over the weekend and saw my surgeon earlier this week and I'm currently 1/3 of the way through a 2 week course of antibiotics. I wasn't able to work at all this week until today due to the pain I was in and I had a note from my surgeon excusing me from work the days that I missed. At work today, my manager asked me if I was able to work 8 hour days again yet. I told her my surgeon hasn't cleared me for that yet (it was also on the paper that I brought in today). I see him again in like a week and we'll see what he says then. Then she says something along the lines of “It's funny how he'll let you go on vacation but not work 8 hours”. Like, a relaxing vacation doesn't require constant use of my hands. And I was literally unable to work all week before today, not sure how tf she thinks I'm supposed to just go from missing almost an entire week to being able to work full time again overnight. My job has been very understanding/accommodating throughout this whole ordeal, so her saying that just really threw me off. She herself was seriously injured several years ago (way before I started working there) and didn't work at all for an entire month after that and I'm sure was on restrictions for probably longer than I have been. I was at least back to work in some capacity within 2 weeks. Ugh. Rant over.

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