
Should I stay at my low paying job?

I've been working at home Depot for about two years back when I had a semi reasonable pay being paid 15/hr and having enough for my school bill and my own needs but now the pay has gotten lower. While I was still working for financial reasons I did look for other jobs while still working but most of the time I barely get an interview (I had one that went well but I haven't heard anything back) and the reason why I still continue to stay at this job is my parent doesn't want me to quit until I find something with a more better pay, but the reason why I want to quit is that I'm spending more on Lyft getting to work and back instead on my needs. I try explaining to my dad about it in a rational way that I consistently look for jobs but…

I've been working at home Depot for about two years back when I had a semi reasonable pay being paid 15/hr and having enough for my school bill and my own needs but now the pay has gotten lower. While I was still working for financial reasons I did look for other jobs while still working but most of the time I barely get an interview (I had one that went well but I haven't heard anything back) and the reason why I still continue to stay at this job is my parent doesn't want me to quit until I find something with a more better pay, but the reason why I want to quit is that I'm spending more on Lyft getting to work and back instead on my needs. I try explaining to my dad about it in a rational way that I consistently look for jobs but he doesn't believe me and thinks I'm not looking for jobs hard enough and that I have to constantly apply to any job even if doesn't align with want you want.

I'm in my 20s getting my first degree in college and attempting to shoot for my associates, what do you think I should do?

Short version: My current job doesn't pay me as much and I want to leave but my father thinks it's a bad idea, while job searching has been a pain

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