
Independent contractor issues- termination

I have been an IC for this company for going on 3 months. The first month my ‘Manager’ (he is referred to as this in my contract) was really responsive and proactive about giving me work. My contract is $22/hr for 20 hours a week. As the second month rolled along there were times where I’d email him and not even get a response for a week. I billed for 20 hours throughout this time whether he gave me work or not and sent my last invoice on March 29th. At one point over the phone he offered more hours for more money. I said I would be happy to do that but when it came up in emails, it was really him wanting me to do more hours for the same pay. He told me he would talk to the CEO and see if he could get the extra…

I have been an IC for this company for going on 3 months. The first month my ‘Manager’ (he is referred to as this in my contract) was really responsive and proactive about giving me work. My contract is $22/hr for 20 hours a week. As the second month rolled along there were times where I’d email him and not even get a response for a week. I billed for 20 hours throughout this time whether he gave me work or not and sent my last invoice on March 29th.

At one point over the phone he offered more hours for more money. I said I would be happy to do that but when it came up in emails, it was really him wanting me to do more hours for the same pay. He told me he would talk to the CEO and see if he could get the extra pay approved and I told him we would keep the contract the same if not. Never heard anything else about it.

Well Monday comes around, April 8th and my ‘Manager’ lets me know they are restructuring the role and hiring 2 experienced people. He said it has nothing to do with me or my work but I can’t help but think I am being let go because of his inability to communicate and get me work in a timely manner. He started the conversation out by saying they would end in 2 weeks. I stated that our contract says 30 days and I’d be fine with working the next 2 and having the last 2 be paid out. He said I could work 30 hours the next couple weeks and he would reach out to HR and get all of this sent to me in an email.

Our payment terms are 15 days from their receipt of my invoice. I had to say something 2 days ago because my invoice was sitting in their payment system unapproved and is missing $0.50. He said it’s his fault and the CEO went in and got it pushed through and I was told I’d be getting paid today, day 15 but it will not deposit until Monday. It is also missing the $0.50 still.

I am extremely frustrated at this point. Our contract states they have to give me 30 days written notice of contract termination. I got him to put the extra hours for the next couple weeks into writing via text and he alluded that he needed to still send me an email outlining the next few weeks but has not done so. What is the best step forward? Obviously they are screwing me around and paying me late at this point so I’d like to enforce the full extent of the contract in my favor.

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