
Got fired for wrong reasons

I work in sales and I joined a start up 3 months back. My manager is very incompetent because she trained us to write emails which are of bad quality and most of the training info is inaccurate. When our co founder checked these emails he asked me on this, honestly those were the emails wrote by my manager so I told him the same without thinking much. She sent an email to me saying that I'm passive aggressive and not fit for this company and my performance is bad, hr broke out the news to me that I can't continue anymore. It's a very nightmarish experience. My performance is same as other people who joined with me. This is the first time getting fired, I'm feeling pretty sad and about how unfair it is

I work in sales and I joined a start up 3 months back.
My manager is very incompetent because she trained us to write emails which are of bad quality and most of the training info is inaccurate. When our co founder checked these emails he asked me on this, honestly those were the emails wrote by my manager so I told him the same without thinking much. She sent an email to me saying that I'm passive aggressive and not fit for this company and my performance is bad, hr broke out the news to me that I can't continue anymore. It's a very nightmarish experience. My performance is same as other people who joined with me. This is the first time getting fired, I'm feeling pretty sad and about how unfair it is

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