
A follow-up

Hello! I’m back with more. So, as stated before, management at the job I am leaving is gross. It’s only gotten worse. So bad, in fact, three of our accounts were shut down because management can’t handle paying them. I digress, HR met with me today, and boy did that turn into a cluster fuck. So, we went through the exit interview process, and in this process, I expressed I was never once written up or reported. I’ve always been a Boy Scout with my team in mind. HR cut me off to let me know I had one infraction on my record, which was pretending to be another employee. This baffled me. I asked what they meant and they wouldn’t share. So, I thought on it and it dawned on me; Sam our 80 year old admin — which HR confirmed when I brought it up. So, two months…


I’m back with more. So, as stated before, management at the job I am leaving is gross. It’s only gotten worse. So bad, in fact, three of our accounts were shut down because management can’t handle paying them.

I digress, HR met with me today, and boy did that turn into a cluster fuck.

So, we went through the exit interview process, and in this process, I expressed I was never once written up or reported. I’ve always been a Boy Scout with my team in mind. HR cut me off to let me know I had one infraction on my record, which was pretending to be another employee. This baffled me.

I asked what they meant and they wouldn’t share. So, I thought on it and it dawned on me; Sam our 80 year old admin — which HR confirmed when I brought it up. So, two months ago, I was out on vacation and came back to poor Sam (btw not his real name) frustrated and upset. Turns out IT (who is supposed to be on site but decided? Nah. That didn’t apply to him) wouldn’t help set his computer up. Now, Sam isn’t tech savvy and hardly understands the jargon. He had some software and security programs that needed to be update in his new location.

In asking the IT guy for help, the IT dude said no, that Sam needed to learn to use the computer and some other comments about him being senile and not understanding. All of this was in email and slack, by the way. So, I dedicated time to help Sam. It cost me an hour but Sam needed help. Which, by the way, I had to uninstall and reinstall a ton of stuff and it was truly an IT problem.

After we set everything up, Sam showed me (voluntarily) these messages and I advised he should go to HR. IT wasn’t showing up to work, wasn’t helping, and was being useless. Sam asked me how to screen shot. So, I did that for him and told him he could CC me on the email he wanted to send, I’d vouch they didn’t show up and it was an on going case of bullying, especially since Sam asked multiple times for help.

HR is calling me helping Sam with those screenshots impersonating Sam… which is just bullshit but it’s the only “dirt” they got on me. I didn’t speak for Sam. I simply spoke to what I observed. I didn’t realize helping Sam with screenshots was me pretending to be Sam. God forbid I see something and say something.

Which HR then said “you could have at least acknowledged IT said thanks.” Lmao, nah. Dude said “thank you. I know it’s hard for you to do work especially outside of your job description.” Which is passive aggressive from a guy that doesn’t show up to our facility anyway.

I’m all for being a team player but this drives me insane. Thankful it’s over.

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