
Company rescinds extended parental leave amongst budget cuts

I work for a S-M company, and it's going through a tough time financially. Last week they laid off 2.5% of the staff, then today they announced that they're rescinding their extended parental leave from 26 to 16 weeks. The extension was announced within the past year I'd say. Is this normal? This is my first full time job/for a corporation and this behaviour just leaves such a foul taste in my mouth. I don't even want kids but seriously?!?!

I work for a S-M company, and it's going through a tough time financially. Last week they laid off 2.5% of the staff, then today they announced that they're rescinding their extended parental leave from 26 to 16 weeks. The extension was announced within the past year I'd say.
Is this normal? This is my first full time job/for a corporation and this behaviour just leaves such a foul taste in my mouth. I don't even want kids but seriously?!?!

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