
I came back after 3 months of medical leave to a shit show

So I had a full on menti b a few months ago and I had the option of taking voluntary leave from work or getting sent to grippy sock vacation so I took FMLA/short term disability. It was slow at first, but eventually I made a lot of progress. I returned once I had used all of my FMLA. I’ve been back for two days. Apparently work conditions have deteriorated as customers are consistently calling in and harassing us because the company refuses to provide solutions and we have no real escalation avenues. They’re just using us as a shield. This morning, during a meeting, the team was berated for not being polite enough with customers and having a negative attitude in the office and upper management was upset to hear all of the complaining about conditions. On top of that, we were threatened with mandatory overtime all next week…

So I had a full on menti b a few months ago and I had the option of taking voluntary leave from work or getting sent to grippy sock vacation so I took FMLA/short term disability. It was slow at first, but eventually I made a lot of progress. I returned once I had used all of my FMLA.

I’ve been back for two days. Apparently work conditions have deteriorated as customers are consistently calling in and harassing us because the company refuses to provide solutions and we have no real escalation avenues. They’re just using us as a shield. This morning, during a meeting, the team was berated for not being polite enough with customers and having a negative attitude in the office and upper management was upset to hear all of the complaining about conditions. On top of that, we were threatened with mandatory overtime all next week because some system issues earlier in the month caused our group metrics to drop.

The beatings continue until morale improves.

I’m considering quitting without notice. I’m not erasing all of my progress for this company.

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