
Brother crashed his car on the way to work. Boss told him to hand his uniform in and kicked him from group chat.

Kinda in disbelief over this. My brother crashed his car into a ditch on his way to work this morning and completely wrote it off. Luckily he was uninjured. He texted his boss to let him know that he's not going to make his shift and his boss replied with 'hand your uniform in to ___' and removed him from the work WhatsApp group. My brother did miss one shift a couple of weeks ago because he got the wrong end of the stick (was meant to work this Monday, thought it was next Monday, something like that.) But he's had to deal with his fair share too, like doing a shift entirely by himself because his boss didn't want to turn up. He's on a zero hours contract which means that his boss can effectively make his working hours 'zero' in an instant. So I suppose he is technically…

Kinda in disbelief over this. My brother crashed his car into a ditch on his way to work this morning and completely wrote it off. Luckily he was uninjured. He texted his boss to let him know that he's not going to make his shift and his boss replied with 'hand your uniform in to ___' and removed him from the work WhatsApp group.

My brother did miss one shift a couple of weeks ago because he got the wrong end of the stick (was meant to work this Monday, thought it was next Monday, something like that.) But he's had to deal with his fair share too, like doing a shift entirely by himself because his boss didn't want to turn up.

He's on a zero hours contract which means that his boss can effectively make his working hours 'zero' in an instant. So I suppose he is technically allowed to do this. It just seems heartless to me.

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