
After 3 years, I Finally Did It, I Quit My Job Today!

Hey everyone, just wanted to share that I finally took the plunge and quit my job today. It's been a long time coming, and I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. So, here's what went down. I've been working at this tech support company for about three years now. At first, it seemed alright, the pay was decent, and the coworkers were friendly. But man, over time, the environment just started to wear me down. The endless hours, the constant pressure to meet unrealistic targets, and don't even get me started on the micromanagement. It all started getting worse about a year ago when they introduced this new monitoring software that tracks everything, I mean EVERYTHING. Every keystroke, every minute of activity, and breaks that weren’t exactly at the scheduled time were questioned. The final straw was when my manager pulled me up for taking…

Hey everyone, just wanted to share that I finally took the plunge and quit my job today. It's been a long time coming, and I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. So, here's what went down.

I've been working at this tech support company for about three years now. At first, it seemed alright, the pay was decent, and the coworkers were friendly. But man, over time, the environment just started to wear me down. The endless hours, the constant pressure to meet unrealistic targets, and don't even get me started on the micromanagement.

It all started getting worse about a year ago when they introduced this new monitoring software that tracks everything, I mean EVERYTHING. Every keystroke, every minute of activity, and breaks that weren’t exactly at the scheduled time were questioned. The final straw was when my manager pulled me up for taking a five-minute longer lunch break – mind you, because I was helping a colleague solve a customer issue!

Last week, they announced there would be no raises this year due to “budget constraints,” yet the upper management somehow got their bonuses. That hypocrisy just blew my mind. And with all the talk here about recognizing our worth and not settling for less, I started to really think about what I was putting up with.

So today, I walked into my manager's office, told him I'm done. I could literally feel my heart pounding, but the moment I said it, it felt like freedom. He tried to convince me to stay, even tried to offer a tiny raise, but it just wasn't enough anymore.

Now, I’m not entirely sure what's next. I've got some savings to last a long time (and I just won a bunch of money, lucky bet on Stake), and I think I might try freelancing or maybe even go back to school. But whatever it is, it’s got to be better than feeling trapped in a job that doesn't respect me or my time.

Thanks for all the stories and support I've read here. They really helped me see that it's okay to say enough is enough. Here's to new beginnings and actually enjoying life for a change!

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