
Has Human Resources gone downhill since Covid?

I know this is going to sound strange, but lately I have been looking at Summer Jobs, (I am a college student) and it just seems like I keep going to these really bizarre interviews. Maybe I am just remembering things wrong, but I swear I have never attended such unprofessional interviews. The one I keep thinking that comes to mind was the HR rep asked me my age, asked me if I was married and had kids, then asked me if this was the only job I applied for, and if I would be willing to give up my year round part time job, for this part time job, that had no scheduling conflicts, and asked if I was willing to work overtime. Like what the hell. Then there was another interview where I checked in, and a guy called me back. Sat down and did an interview, answered…

I know this is going to sound strange, but lately I have been looking at Summer Jobs, (I am a college student) and it just seems like I keep going to these really bizarre interviews. Maybe I am just remembering things wrong, but I swear I have never attended such unprofessional interviews. The one I keep thinking that comes to mind was the HR rep asked me my age, asked me if I was married and had kids, then asked me if this was the only job I applied for, and if I would be willing to give up my year round part time job, for this part time job, that had no scheduling conflicts, and asked if I was willing to work overtime. Like what the hell.

Then there was another interview where I checked in, and a guy called me back. Sat down and did an interview, answered questions. Half way through another guy comes in, introduces himself as the guy I had initially started talking with, then listens to the last part of the interview. Original guy leaves and then my interviewer starts asking me the questions the first guy asked me, and when I asked why he was there, his response:” I am not sure, he works in a different department.”

Then I had another interview, show up to the place, but the interviewer didn't. So I just waited for a 20 minutes, then get an email while sitting there that I had been rejected and thanks for applying.

Another one the guy keeps rescheduling then canceling.

Am I just in string of bad luck?

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