So I just wanna rant and get some stuff off my chest because holy God. I think I had the absolute worst interview of my entire fucking life yesterday.
So for context as of me typing this I am unemployed and in search of work. Got a text message a few days back for some warehouse type work at a good distribution center. I decided, fuckit. And got an interview scheduled for 1:00 yesterday as of me typing this, so Thursday.
Upon entering this building the red flags start flying.
Issue 1: almost everyone in the warehouse looks to be Chinese. Not saying this to be racist as I myself am half Chinese on my mother's side of the family, but I'm pretty whitewashed as I've gone no contact with that side of my bloodline for reasons I won't discuss here, so for the most part have been with my father's side of my family, which is a bunch of white people.
Anyhow because everyone in this warehouse is Chinese, almost all their goddamn paperwork and whatnot on the walls for like, safety tips and scheduling and whatnot, are in Chinese. WHICH I CAN'T FUCKING READ.
I come in and explain I'm here for an interview I was scheduled. Get kinda tossed around a bit for 15 minutes and asked to enter my information and whatnot into a computer. Seems…… Odd…… Shouldn't you people have all this already? Pretty sure I already put a fucking application in for you, hence why you called me saying you liked my stuff and wanted to interview me. Whatever. I do it. Wait a few more minutes. Finally after entering my info someone comes to interview me.
After talking for a bit we get to the main thing about this place that pissed me straight off. The schedule.
So it's about 11 or so hours each day. For 6 days a week. Monday through Saturday. However Saturday is supposedly a half day. I remember the guy said something about pay getting docked or whatever if say I broke something in the building or whatever, blah blah. At this point I'm kinda just tuned out. So let's break this down for a second.
A 6 day work week. Meaning I only get 1 day. 1. FUCKING. DAY. TO MYSELF. Meaning not only do I have only 1 FUCKING DAY TO MYSELF TO RELAX AND UNWIND AFTER A SHITTY WORK WEEK, Say I got chores and whatnot I wanna get done around my apartment. Like cleaning. Or laundry. Or anything else. I technically only have 1 FREE DAY. Maybe 2 if you count the half day I get with Saturday, but for the most part, only 1 FREE DAY. To do my chores. To enjoy any quality time with my friends or family. Or anything else like that. 1 day to reset from the stress that job is inevitably going to give me from working almost 55 or 66 fucking hours or so each goddamn week with barely any fucking breathing room to enjoy my own life and hobbies outside of work. And not only that, say I start making mistakes and whatnot, which I most likely inevitably will after being overworked for so goddamn long, because I don't think anyone is physically capable of working at 100% capacity everyday with a shitty schedule like this unless they're snorting coke or some shit. I know I can't. If I start making mistakes, my pay will eventually get docked. My pay if I worked here being $16.00 an hour. For forklift type warehouse shit. When the last warehouse job I had, which I got my forklift certification from, PAID ME $19.00 AN HOUR.
Anyhow after this dog shit, suicide inducing joke of an interview, guy says he'll put me on a backlist or whatever of candidates to pull from if they can't find anyone. And I'll be contacted in about 2 weeks if hired. Hopefully I don't get a call back. I don't think I've ever been more tempted to tell a person interviewing me to kill themselves than with this interview in my entire fucking life. I didn't, but hoo boy. I was very tempted.
I don't understand how shit like this is even legal. Why the fuck are people ok with their lives being eaten away like this, just to fuel a greedy ass corporation making record profit off their backs? It's just pure insanity to me. I feel like I'm in fucking Bizarro world.
Anyhow, rant over. Guess I gotta go back to the drawing board. Maybe if anyone has their own issues, rant in here with me. Might be therapeutic for us to all rant to each other.