
Am I being subtly bullied?

I’ve been an intern in this big company for almost five months now and it’s just started clicking that I might be subtly bullied? I’m 24 and this is my first time on a corporate job, I was a teacher for two years before that. I’m currently working in internal corporate communications but as you can imagine, I help out with any tasks given. Which I like a lot because it does give me experience and in this messed up situation with entry level jobs requiring minimal of X years of experience, it’s a good opportunity. At first I was so happy that I got the job. And it pays too? Sign me up. Yes, it’s minimal salary in my country, but it’s better than nothing at all. I’m sorry, I’m rambling too much without getting to the point. But I figured I needed to have some brief introduction to…

I’ve been an intern in this big company for almost five months now and it’s just started clicking that I might be subtly bullied? I’m 24 and this is my first time on a corporate job, I was a teacher for two years before that. I’m currently working in internal corporate communications but as you can imagine, I help out with any tasks given. Which I like a lot because it does give me experience and in this messed up situation with entry level jobs requiring minimal of X years of experience, it’s a good opportunity. At first I was so happy that I got the job. And it pays too? Sign me up. Yes, it’s minimal salary in my country, but it’s better than nothing at all. I’m sorry, I’m rambling too much without getting to the point. But I figured I needed to have some brief introduction to the rant, if you will.
From the get go I could see that everybody on the team is a great professional, no doubts about that. The atmosphere is generally relaxed. The thing that ticks me off is the way I am basically treated like I don’t exist until needed. It’s rally about the attitude towards the lowest ranking that shows a lot about you. I was given brief instructions to the internal systems and things I will be doing. Roger that. But it’s been so long and I barely feel like a part of that team despite working Monday to Thursday (I have uni classes on Fridays), 8 hours, sometimes more. I’m never invited to their lunches, nobody but the previous intern who ended up full time there, talks to me for things outside of work and actually shows some humanity. There will be a training for the team next month. That of course doesn’t include me. Never mind I’m there to learn and they had the budget for an intern planned since last year so I can’t understand why a wealthy company like this can’t afford one more spot for something that would actually benefit my performance? But of course, I’m just on measly intern, right?
Yes, they are all professional, but goodness, are they cold and fake snakes!
Honestly, I feel like an orphaned child in a fairy tale. The boss hands out things for the rest of the team like bottles of wine, some food, you know, small things. That are covered by the team budget because they are usually bought for partners and have additional for the team. Meanwhile, I’m being yelled at by people who have more work experience than I have lived for things I’m doing for the first time. I feel like a corporate w*ore being used like that. My contract ends in the beginning of October. I frankly can’t wait.

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