
About to walk out of my job.

Hi everyone, apologies for how long this is. I’m currently working as an assistant manager at a retail craft store and am at my wit’s end. A month ago our district manager came in and said we had to down size our number of employees due to being over payroll every week since New Years. He made the downsize by cutting the number of both full and part timers in half. Now, I was hired about a year ago and came in with previous experience with the company, specifically the framing department. One of the full timers and one of the part timers that were let go were the two framers we had. So, the district manager put me in framing which I knew was going to be his default and so I tried to tell my store manager not to let that happen because as a member of management…

Hi everyone, apologies for how long this is. I’m currently working as an assistant manager at a retail craft store and am at my wit’s end. A month ago our district manager came in and said we had to down size our number of employees due to being over payroll every week since New Years. He made the downsize by cutting the number of both full and part timers in half. Now, I was hired about a year ago and came in with previous experience with the company, specifically the framing department. One of the full timers and one of the part timers that were let go were the two framers we had. So, the district manager put me in framing which I knew was going to be his default and so I tried to tell my store manager not to let that happen because as a member of management I should not be put into a department that requires so much time NOT on the sales floor. Here we are about a month later and just this past Monday I sat down with my store manager and gave honest reasons why I should not be in that department (beyond me simply not wanting to be there) and said if it isn’t changed I’ll make my own decisions. Now, it’s been three days and my store manager is tip toeing around me because he doesn’t have any answers for me because he has to wait for the district manager to come back from vacation. My patience is worn thin though and I just don’t respect the company or management anymore. I’m so ready to just quit but don’t have anything else lined up at the moment, nor the savings to really be without income. I put in a few applications this week to different places, but still waiting to hear back. Is there anything I can do to help myself financially if I do decide to just quit?

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