
To my boss who doesn’t know I’m quitting..Fuck You

It's been 5 months of hell. You think I'm dependent on that paycheck. The reality is that I don't need you. You need me. If anything, you're too dependent on me. I have a passive income. I don't need this job. I'm just a workaholic because I love saving money. Good luck finding someone to work at the crack of dawn. I was the only one who applied. I was heated and stressed out. I remained calm and didn't yell. I tried to politely explain to you that things need to change. In return, you immediately interrupt me and are defensive. You could have at least given me an ounce of respect and heard what I have to say first. You're are so far over your head, and you have no clue what you are doing because you fail to face reality. You can't see reality because you hide. You…

It's been 5 months of hell. You think I'm dependent on that paycheck. The reality is that I don't need you. You need me. If anything, you're too dependent on me. I have a passive income. I don't need this job. I'm just a workaholic because I love saving money. Good luck finding someone to work at the crack of dawn. I was the only one who applied. I was heated and stressed out. I remained calm and didn't yell. I tried to politely explain to you that things need to change. In return, you immediately interrupt me and are defensive. You could have at least given me an ounce of respect and heard what I have to say first. You're are so far over your head, and you have no clue what you are doing because you fail to face reality. You can't see reality because you hide. You lied to my face. I called you out on your bullshit and you proceeded to try to cover your own ass. Zero apology, nothing. Apparently, your employee doesn't know shit I guess. In the end, I let you speak. I apologize and said, “Must of been one big misunderstanding.” You laughed, and now you think everything is peachy perfect. Well… I'm done. For now, I'm gonna smile and act like everything is great. I'm gonna ride this bitch out a few more weeks and then I'm gonna spontaneously quit. You don't deserve a two week notice. I give employers who treat me with respect a 2 week notice. Go fuck yourself. The real question is, how can I really fuck you? I mean shit you'll already lose half your employees considering you only have 2 left. Haha. Do I quit to your face? Do I block your number and not show up? Do I leave a nice little note? It's all good, I have time to think this through! Fuck you.

Update: It's Friday! Thank God. Didn't want to get out of bed, but I did it. This post is giving me that boost I need to power through work today. Have you seen the children's movie, “Madagascar?” What's continuously running through my mind is the scene of the penguins saying, “Just smile and wave boys. Smile and wave.”

I have concluded when I shall quit. My boss mentioned to me they'll be going on vacation. My boss will be away for a week. Obviously, heavily relying on me. PERFECT time to quit. For anyone wondering, I have no hate towards the other employee. The person's hrs are set in stone. They can't cover my hrs and my boss is well aware. They'll be left untouched in this shit show. My only goal is to fuck my boss. I'm still working on deciding how I shall quit. This isn't the first time this shit has happened. About 2 months ago, I confronted my boss telling them how stressed out I am. No sympathy, just laughed. The only thing my boss says is, “I'm only setting you up for success,” and quickly changed topics. Setting me up for success my ass. More like mentally trying to fuck me. My turn to fuck you.

EDIT: It's funny how many of you automatically assume my boss is male. I never said my bosses gender.

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