
There’s no winning no matter what you do.

I was out of work for 8 days back in March. I put in an fmla request my company gives 6 weeks paid fmla no questions asked. Still haven't gotten the money from it. Not sure exactly what happened with this past paycheck on Friday but I only got half. Had a complication from my surgery in March come up so I had to go back in for another emergency operation i was not planning to have any time soon or at all. Called about 20 minutes ago to put in another fmla for my recovery period and I also have a note from my surgeon saying I should stay out of work for x amount of time. I will be out of work for the next 7 days and guess what? There's a 6 day waiting period you don't get paid when you put in the request that no…

I was out of work for 8 days back in March. I put in an fmla request my company gives 6 weeks paid fmla no questions asked. Still haven't gotten the money from it. Not sure exactly what happened with this past paycheck on Friday but I only got half. Had a complication from my surgery in March come up so I had to go back in for another emergency operation i was not planning to have any time soon or at all. Called about 20 minutes ago to put in another fmla for my recovery period and I also have a note from my surgeon saying I should stay out of work for x amount of time. I will be out of work for the next 7 days and guess what? There's a 6 day waiting period you don't get paid when you put in the request that no one told me about last time. So I'm not getting paid for when I was gone in March and I'm about to fall behind on rent so I'm forced to go back to work on Monday with a massive surgery scar that will barely be closed. I don't have any other options. The lady on the phone told me to put in a request for state leave and do all these extra steps, going back to the surgeon and then my urologist to get a paper signed to get the pay that's more work than just being on light duty next week and sitting at a computer all day which Is what I'm going to do. Not to mention I have good insurance through my company right? I had a win last week I was opening the mail and saw I paid off my car awesome right? Next letter is a 53k bill from the emergency room that took my insurance and everything so what is the point in insurance if I'm still paying 50 fucking thousand dollars when my copay for the er says 250$ I don't get the rules it seems like they constantly chance not in our favor I'm constantly dealing with shit like this so I don't have any patience at all I don't get how other people get through life without running into a wall with everything they try to do I don't get it
Edit: both surgeries were emergency surgeries I had no idea I'd be having until the day of both or I would have put the requests in beforehand if anyone had told me or the company provided that information more clearly if I was ever told that I definitely don't remember I texted my brother who works at the same place and he said he never heard it until someone we work with got fucked over by it

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