
The End of Lean Production… and What’s Ahead

Excerpt: “The Flint sit-down strike that brought General Motors to its knees in 1937 won recognition for the United Auto Workers because the workers seized the key Chevy 4 engine plant that supplied the other plants in Flint and beyond. With today’s tightening of supply chains and the proliferation of vulnerable points in both production and transportation, this type of strategic thinking and acting can aid not only in winning gains for union workers but also in organizing the unorganized.”

Excerpt: “The Flint sit-down strike that brought General Motors to its knees in 1937 won recognition for the United Auto Workers because the workers seized the key Chevy 4 engine plant that supplied the other plants in Flint and beyond. With today’s tightening of supply chains and the proliferation of vulnerable points in both production and transportation, this type of strategic thinking and acting can aid not only in winning gains for union workers but also in organizing the unorganized.”

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