
Company just deducted last years bonus out of my last paycheck after quitting. Fuck these companies.

So I gave my two weeks at my job after finding something much closer to home with better pay, hours, and benefits. All around a much better opportunity. Well the last two weeks went smooth. I left and all was ok. Left on good terms. Well I got my last paycheck today and I notice it was really short. I checked the pay stub, and I saw that they deducted my last years Summer bonus. I reached out to HR and they told me that every bonus comes with the contingency that you have to stay a year, otherwise they will take it back. No signed agreement, just a standard company policy. I already filed a complaint with the labor board. But I know the company will win because fuck us workers. Just wanted to vent about it. Fuck these companies. This should be illegal. EDIT: wow I did not…

So I gave my two weeks at my job after finding something much closer to home with better pay, hours, and benefits. All around a much better opportunity. Well the last two weeks went smooth. I left and all was ok. Left on good terms. Well I got my last paycheck today and I notice it was really short. I checked the pay stub, and I saw that they deducted my last years Summer bonus. I reached out to HR and they told me that every bonus comes with the contingency that you have to stay a year, otherwise they will take it back. No signed agreement, just a standard company policy. I already filed a complaint with the labor board. But I know the company will win because fuck us workers. Just wanted to vent about it. Fuck these companies. This should be illegal.

EDIT: wow I did not expect such a huge response. I vented about it on a Friday night and then just checked out for the weekend. Thank you all for the responses. I have already filed a complaint thru my states dept of labor so I will see what comes of that. I also had a coworker open a ticket thru the HR department asking about it so I got their screenshots of “the policy” which doesn’t seem very legal. I will certainly update once this gets taken care of.
As for me I just started my new opportunity and so far it’s going great so I will take that as a personal win at the very least! Thank you all!

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