
I have a meeting with my boss after she fired someone for complaining about, and declining, going to a scientology “training”. What do I even say?

UPDATE: I am going to quit, I agree they are terrible people. I have a job interview elsewhere already. I also have a meeting with a lawyer. And an appointment with my therapist. I probably shouldn't engage much further, just in case it gets real sticky legally. Thank you all for setting me straight Recently, the small veterinary practice (sole proprietorship, 30 employees, California) i work for had us all do a “business training” that was just scientology. I, and 2 other people, expressed our displeasure and wrote emails, so it's in writing, that we are declining further training like this. One of the two was quite vocal about it and was telling everyone what it was and that we can't be forced to do it. No one else declined, but it caused quite a stir. The executive team (dr. Owner, dr. Owner's Daughter, the technical manager and the practice…

UPDATE: I am going to quit, I agree they are terrible people. I have a job interview elsewhere already. I also have a meeting with a lawyer. And an appointment with my therapist.

I probably shouldn't engage much further, just in case it gets real sticky legally.

Thank you all for setting me straight

Recently, the small veterinary practice (sole proprietorship, 30 employees, California) i work for had us all do a “business training” that was just scientology.

I, and 2 other people, expressed our displeasure and wrote emails, so it's in writing, that we are declining further training like this.

One of the two was quite vocal about it and was telling everyone what it was and that we can't be forced to do it. No one else declined, but it caused quite a stir. The executive team (dr. Owner, dr. Owner's Daughter, the technical manager and the practice manager) called a meeting, doubled down that their HR company agrees its secular. Then the employee that spoke out the most got fired.

Now my dilemma:

I love my job. I have advanced very far in my career in the 2 years I've been there. I started a a receptionist at $18/hr and now I have my own office and make $25. I have a good thing going here. And I very valuable to the company, a lot fell apart when I was sick with covid for a month last year.

I genuinely did/do like the executive team people. I trusted them and considered them friends. I knew the practice owner/matriarch was a little questionable, but was assured the rest (a younger generation, taking over in a few years) were on my side. I was OK just being dismissed from the trainings and moving on until she eventually retires. But they took her side in the meeting. I get that is just them protecting themselves, they have families and kids, but it still hurt.

But they way they handled it and fired him is absolutely outrageous. If one of my friends was telling me this was happening and her work, I'd be sending her links to what laws they are breaking and helping her find a lawyer.

But because I know these are good people at heart, either being conned or just trying to get by, and because I have SUCH a good career path here, I am trying to find a way to be OK working there.

I told them I am taking some sick leave while I figure out what i am feeling, then I will have a meeting before I return to work. I know they want to talk to me, but dont know much else. I have heard they are not mad at me and dont blame me for starting it, but i dont know who to trust. I do have some leverage I think, maybe I can get something put of it. Or maybe I really do just need to walk away.

What do the cynical minds of reddit think?

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