
VP threatened me with “time card fraud” and now they’re losing the rest of their team.

For context I have NEVER engaged in malicious time manipulation, and the marginal amount of times I have left 10 minutes early or arrived 20 minutes late pales in comparison to our director taking EVERY SINGLE MONDAY AND FRIDAY OFF FOR THE PAST 3 MONTHS. Anyway, I had reported my department manager for some inappropriate behavior regarding a contract we were about to lose because she had blatantly lied to the other agency for years. That was Thursday… Friday my team of 3 received an email from a different supervisor apologizing and telling us that he should be the one to blame and that we shouldn’t take things to HR as that wasn’t the “proper channel.” We were told to “trust him” and that he would “make sure the right people heard our concerns.” Fast forward to Monday all three of us are lied to about having a one-on-one with…

For context I have NEVER engaged in malicious time manipulation, and the marginal amount of times I have left 10 minutes early or arrived 20 minutes late pales in comparison to our director taking EVERY SINGLE MONDAY AND FRIDAY OFF FOR THE PAST 3 MONTHS. Anyway, I had reported my department manager for some inappropriate behavior regarding a contract we were about to lose because she had blatantly lied to the other agency for years. That was Thursday… Friday my team of 3 received an email from a different supervisor apologizing and telling us that he should be the one to blame and that we shouldn’t take things to HR as that wasn’t the “proper channel.” We were told to “trust him” and that he would “make sure the right people heard our concerns.” Fast forward to Monday all three of us are lied to about having a one-on-one with our supervisor so they can get us into a room 1 by 1 and threaten us with time card fraud and tell us that we have to show them all the work we’ve done with timestamps to show it was done on work time. They claim this is company wide, but when I asked HR about it they had no idea what I was talking about. Not only that, we were stripped of the very few benefits this company offers, they threatened to take away hours we’d already worked, and even claimed they would “take legal action.” Come to find out that this “investigation” had not been completed and all this time and stress and damage to my credibility was because of my managers fragile ego. I reported them to the DOL and I have a new job offer and they asked if I had any other people interested in similar positions so I brought my coworkers applications. I’m so sick of being run over because of people’s fragile little egos.

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