
Ugh r/australian has made me realise I’m never going to see a change in the 40 hour/5 day workweek because this country is full of bootlickers. I wish I was born in France, not this boring expensive island in the middle of nowhere with disgustingly hot weather from October-April.

Was talking about how fucking miserable life has become lately with inflation driven by corporate greed and how I don't know how much longer I can sustain being a slave to rent/a mortgage with little left over to live before I burn out, and how I hate that I've had to go from working 4 days a week to a full 5 because of corporate greed. Everyone in the comments carried on like I said Hitler had a point for daring to suggest we'd be better off working 32 hours a week for the same income because how DARE I want work life balance, that's so entitled millennial of me! People kept talking about how 40 hours is normal and fine and jfc, how are things going to change when so many people in my country are not only licking the boot, they're fucking eating it and then kissing the…

Was talking about how fucking miserable life has become lately with inflation driven by corporate greed and how I don't know how much longer I can sustain being a slave to rent/a mortgage with little left over to live before I burn out, and how I hate that I've had to go from working 4 days a week to a full 5 because of corporate greed.

Everyone in the comments carried on like I said Hitler had a point for daring to suggest we'd be better off working 32 hours a week for the same income because how DARE I want work life balance, that's so entitled millennial of me! People kept talking about how 40 hours is normal and fine and jfc, how are things going to change when so many people in my country are not only licking the boot, they're fucking eating it and then kissing the capitalist billionaires' feet!? Apparently I'm insane for thinking AI should do jobs so humans can make art and write stories instead of AI making art and writing stories so we can just be forced to work harder for our overlords.

I really thought that maybe things will change but nope, I will be a wage slave selling the rest of my life to a job I hate just to pay for fucking housing because bootlickers refuse to think we deserve better because at least it's not the 1600s.

I have no other passport so am trapped in this country.

If there was a way I could have known this is what I was going to be born into, I'd have detached from the uterine wall and aborted myself tbh. This isn't worth it, honestly, basically living to work and getting almost no time for myself and barely being able to afford anything. Work 48 weeks of the year to get 4 weeks to yourself which you can't even fully enjoy because you know you have to go back to work at the end of it? Yeah. What's the point?

And the bootlickers think this is grand and I'm the problem for thinking it's insane. I hate it here. Can an asteroid just come and wipe us out already?

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