
… I believe the children are our future

I work at a small company whose senior management is peppered with crazy workaholic Boomers who refuse to retire. These people work seven days a week and don’t understand boundaries. They are also monologists who don’t listen, can’t use technology, and treat everyone around them like the help. They are beginning to have trouble keeping employees. While the middle aged people like me just put up with it, the young people don’t. Just this week another junior person abruptly quit, and said she refused to be treated rudely by her boss’s boss. Just want to say: Young people, don’t back down. You inspire me every day!

I work at a small company whose senior management is peppered with crazy workaholic Boomers who refuse to retire. These people work seven days a week and don’t understand boundaries. They are also monologists who don’t listen, can’t use technology, and treat everyone around them like the help. They are beginning to have trouble keeping employees. While the middle aged people like me just put up with it, the young people don’t. Just this week another junior person abruptly quit, and said she refused to be treated rudely by her boss’s boss. Just want to say: Young people, don’t back down. You inspire me every day!

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