
Can we PLEASE normalize decompressing after work?!

There are some days after work where I need a solid hour to decompress from wanting to destroy the world to being loving and supportive at home. Those are rare but it would be nice to have at least a ten minute breather after most days without family and friends (and even work) seeing it as selfish and unsupportive. Thankfully I don’t work a super stressful job personally but I deal with retail customers and some days it makes me hate humans and I need a moment to not bring that home. But usually all I have is the parking lot, the commute or literally home to do that in unless I take a detour to a park but that’s usually asking a lot. So a moment before I have to jump back in the game would be very helpful. Then I can spend the night with better energy, focus…

There are some days after work where I need a solid hour to decompress from wanting to destroy the world to being loving and supportive at home.

Those are rare but it would be nice to have at least a ten minute breather after most days without family and friends (and even work) seeing it as selfish and unsupportive.

Thankfully I don’t work a super stressful job personally but I deal with retail customers and some days it makes me hate humans and I need a moment to not bring that home. But usually all I have is the parking lot, the commute or literally home to do that in unless I take a detour to a park but that’s usually asking a lot. So a moment before I have to jump back in the game would be very helpful. Then I can spend the night with better energy, focus and joy than just being pissy.

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