
“Manage your manager”

The phrase makes my blood boil. Why is the person with lesser power and pay tasked with improving someone who will not be eager to accept aforementioned help? What a crock of shit. Edit: It seems like the phrase he was using (grandboss) may not have been correct to the situation. My boss screams and cries in meetings, and when I told him this, he said I should manage her. Not sure how this advice was meant to be applied but he also called Simon Sinek “awesome” before so his judgment is suspect.

The phrase makes my blood boil. Why is the person with lesser power and pay tasked with improving someone who will not be eager to accept aforementioned help? What a crock of shit.

Edit: It seems like the phrase he was using (grandboss) may not have been correct to the situation. My boss screams and cries in meetings, and when I told him this, he said I should manage her. Not sure how this advice was meant to be applied but he also called Simon Sinek “awesome” before so his judgment is suspect.

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