
Did an interview today – Shitshow

I went to, what I was led to believe, was the final interview for a Network Admin position today with a large healthcare provider in my area. I jumped through all the hoops before the in-person, and online testing, video interviews (X3), follow-up phone calls, etc. I was told to come in for a face-to-face. It's all good so far. I got to the interview and am one of the 8 people interviewed for the same position. Not unheard of, but, seemed a bit crowded. After a 2-hour wait for the interviewer to arrive, the 5 of us who remained and hadn't left yet were handed worksheets to complete. The 'test' was not out of the norm. I was perplexed that it was on paper, but that soon became very clear. In the end, when the final person turned in their forms, we were all escorted to a phlebotomy lab…

I went to, what I was led to believe, was the final interview for a Network Admin position today with a large healthcare provider in my area.
I jumped through all the hoops before the in-person, and online testing, video interviews (X3), follow-up phone calls, etc. I was told to come in for a face-to-face. It's all good so far.
I got to the interview and am one of the 8 people interviewed for the same position. Not unheard of, but, seemed a bit crowded.
After a 2-hour wait for the interviewer to arrive, the 5 of us who remained and hadn't left yet were handed worksheets to complete. The 'test' was not out of the norm. I was perplexed that it was on paper, but that soon became very clear.
In the end, when the final person turned in their forms, we were all escorted to a phlebotomy lab and asked to check each others work. WTF?
Nothing was provided to any of us but an additional sheet to add our names and signatures.
3 of us refused to do this and the other 2 opted to get their responses and leave.
When the interviewer came back in to collect the sheets, the three of us who remained demanded answers.
Turns out, the company that was contracted for hiring had no one who was trained or knowledgeable enough to review the answers and they thought that making us check each other would be fine.
I've been in this industry for 3+ decades, and never have I seen such a shitshow as I have today!

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