
I gave a time off request in 58 days in advance

I work for a car dealer. I requested my manager on May 8th if I can work my off days which are Monday 24th June and Tuesday 25th June and take Wednesday 26th june and Thursday 27th June. Because it’s my birthday on 26th and want 27th to cool off. When I saw the schedule for this month I was scheduled on 26th and 27th, so I asked again and was told he will look at it and couple days go by nothing i hear from him. Fast forward to yesterday i text him about that and he tells me to switch with someone (I requested it almost 2 months in advance). Then today i come to work and he was pissed that me texting him about that is me coming after him and he said he doesn’t have to give me the days off. Which is mind boggling because…

I work for a car dealer. I requested my manager on May 8th if I can work my off days which are Monday 24th June and Tuesday 25th June and take Wednesday 26th june and Thursday 27th June. Because it’s my birthday on 26th and want 27th to cool off. When I saw the schedule for this month I was scheduled on 26th and 27th, so I asked again and was told he will look at it and couple days go by nothing i hear from him.

Fast forward to yesterday i text him about that and he tells me to switch with someone (I requested it almost 2 months in advance). Then today i come to work and he was pissed that me texting him about that is me coming after him and he said he doesn’t have to give me the days off. Which is mind boggling because i gave an advance notice so he could make changes for those days. I even offered to work my off days so i can enjoy 26th and 27th. Im turning 20 and its a huge milestone for me.

But give me yalls thoughts, what do guys think.

Update: he gave me the days off lol

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